Saturday, September 18, 2010

The state of the garden.


Butterfly and bee- BFF!

Chimes with skateboard wheel!

Potted plants.

Grass plumes.

Snake gourd.

Clematis fuzzy wuzzy.


Blazing Star.

Humming Bird feeder.

Last blooms.

Just a part of our snake gourd collection we have been growing.

The fire pit patio.

It's a jungle!

Friday, September 03, 2010

I went on a five day workshop on site analysis in Itasca State Park last weekend and was particularly moved by the prairie we saw. The sounds of the wind, the movement of the grass and the shape of the landscape were sensational. I sat on a hill and watched the activity of the plants, as well as the cloud shadows roll across the land, and it reminded me of the ocean. I felt like I was flowing with prairie, moving along with it, being swept away..